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Imagination as a Healing Resource

Contoterapia® uses the practice of stories and understands imagination as a healing resource. Thus, one of the specialties of the short story therapist is to create therapeutic stories. While the step-by-step process of creating the tale is shared by all, how these tales come to life is unique to each. Each short story therapist has a professional trajectory that influences the way they visualize and apprehend imaginal reality and transform it into short stories. 

When someone comes to us to create a narrative, they are looking for new perspectives to overcome challenging moments. And that's what the short story therapist does, he accesses this perspective and delivers it, according to his specialty, in the form of images and symbols within a horizon of meaning.

The therapeutic tale

A short story is characterized by being a short narrative whose climax is very close to the end. It features few characters and the time and space of these narratives are restricted to a single conflict. They are prose texts, full of metaphors and symbolic motifs. 


For Contoterapia®, a therapeutic story aims to find out what is the challenging moment that the person is facing, what is the conflict they are experiencing, and then seek allegorical and symbolic solutions for these moments, which will be delivered in a story._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


How each storyteller understands the conflict varies according to their life experience, their professional specialty and their intuition. We can choose different ways to overcome a  conflito, that's why this work asks for presence and that's why although the method is objective, the choices of which way to go are subjective and therefore, the results are unique.  


Being a short story therapist means working in time beyond time, in a place of inspiration, with a thought that goes beyond literality, a systemic and symbolic thought.


We can only deliver what we have, which is alive in us, which has been experienced, overcome, experienced, elaborated. It is a sacred office and it is a vulnerable act of generosity and sharing from soul to soul.



Silvia Guimarães

Professora especializada em Educação Especial, atende com Constelações Quânticas Radiculares e Psicogenealogia evolutiva



Renata Brügger

Psicoterapeuta especialista em terapia sistêmica, família, casal e indivíduos



Anapaula B. Kuchockowolec Farhat

Terapeuta sistêmica com base de atendimento no Eneagrama, na Psicogenealogia e na  Decodificação de Nomes



Aline Fauvel

Psicóloga que utiliza saberes ancestrais para seu trabalho com o feminino



Elaine Poldermanns

Auxilia mulheres que visam saúde e bem-estar via psicoterapia associada a medicina tradicional chinesa e outras técnicas integrativas milenares


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Juliana Cória

Usa astrologia, alquimia, Jung e os símbolos (terapia junguiana), Nova Medicina Germâmica, Constelação Familiar Sistêmica, entre outras influências para criar contos terapêuticos.



Sylvio Lincoln

Psicanalista e Engenheiro


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Neuza Correia Cavalcante

Psicóloga e especialista em gerontologia


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Anna Rossetto

Idealizadora da Contoterapia®, vem atendendo e desenvolvendo o método desde 2016. Utiliza a Reprogramação Biológica®, a Comunicação Não-Violenta, o coach pessoal e diversas outras influências de pensamento sistêmica. 

Especialista em contação de histórias com diversas formações pela faculdade antroposófica de Emerson College/UK.

Hoje ensina o que aprendeu na formação de contoterapeutas.


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